10 June 2008

Today was whack

Nothing really went right. When simple things like setting an alarm clock or accessing the internet while at work can't be accomplished, you know it's only a matter of time until you call up Vodafone just so you can yell at someone who deserves it.

In other news, I updated my all-singing all-dancing website -- www.ericreinford.com -- with a new picture and enhanced functionality! If you click on the picture you will now be directed here. Ahhhh tecmology.


kyle said...

who updated your website? or wait. you could say "my website was updated." or just "website update!"

Anonymous said...

I was just about to ask what the point of that site was anyway. Do you have some plan for it or is it a "just because I can" kind of project?

Unknown said...

Ok, so maybe Kyle helped as in... maybe Kyle did everything in the update. But i instructed him!

As for the website Amos, it's pretty much finished. Not sure if that answers your question or just leads to new ones.