12 April 2007

No one is commenting anymore

I love it when people comment on my blog.

(And mom -- if you don't know how to comment, you can do so by clicking on the link that reads "# comments", which displays directly below each post.)

The responses thus far have been overwhelmingly positive. The only critical comment I've received was in response to my New Yorker Caption Contest entry. It came from someone claiming to be my nemesis, Charlie Freund. While I found Mssr. Freund's perspective to be sincere and reasonable, I also think that:

1. The confidence inherent to the comment make sense given the fact that he won the contest, but...

2. aside from that, all of his insights are completely subjective -- my caption did communicate the emotions of helplessness and hopelessness, puns are ideal for cartoon captions, and the fact that we even play golf while at war is enough in itself to illustrate both the horrors of war and the virtues of golf. The picture is worth a thousand words, so your caption needn't be.

3. The commentor was actually my good friend Steven Swartzendruber, who shares my affinity for both The New Yorker and teasing people anonymously. If it really was Charlie Freund, how did he find my posting? Did he Google himself? Because that would be ridiculous.

Ok, now on to the real meat of the post.

In the interest of gathering feedback, improving the blog and adding an interactive element, I'm now accepting questions which will be addressed going forward in a monthly Q&A: "Ask er/uk". Questions can be submitted via comments or email. So think of the questions you've been dying to ask me, and I'll answer them with the same level of candor and sarcasm you've come to expect.


Unknown said...

I'll get things started...

have you adopted any strange habits or tics since moving to the city? if you ever hope to be a miserable hermit, you should probably start soon.


Mark and Hill said...

Hi Eric,

This is Mark, your sometimes-twin. I object that you thought said "Charlie Freund" comment came from Steve Swartzendruber, because...tada, it was me (speaking as an interpreter to Charlie, who lost the ability to type when he lost both hands in the Vietnam War, which explains his obvious malevolence toward your post and his searing desire to "get it right" when speaking of the intracacies and horror of war)

Mark and Hill said...

your comment thing sucks, it is impossible to post. i had a hilarious response in which i came forward as the Charlie Freund commentator, but it didn't go through. and don't call me amateurish or whatever sarcastic remark you are currently ruminating about to call out my supposed inability to type and post a response, because your format has changed, and it is more difficult now.

Unknown said...

Fine mark. I switched the commenting settings back. And I'll give you props for being the real Charlie Freund impersonator.

Wait was there a question? I'm counting on you for a good one.