19 May 2008

Why you laugh?

I've suggested Deadspin before as a daily read, and now I must also mention it's brethren Gawker (or I guess technically, parent). This group is a media empire in the making.

Gawker is NY/culture instead of sports but the writers are equally brilliant and the comments section is equivalently priceless. I love irreverence.

Here is a taste of the sweet honey that flows from Gawker...

1. Pointing out a brilliant new clip from SNL: The Office, Japanimated
2. Silly right-wing radio ridiculousness
3. Slow news day

Oliver - Deadspin
Conor - Gawker


Unknown said...

In fairness, I was probably the 15,749,054th person to "discover" Gawker, which makes you lucky No. 15,749,055.

Unknown said...

that's why you were listed in reduced font.