21 May 2008

[Child-]birthday wishes

Another birthday has arrived for the fam. It's my sis again, bless her heart. What's she done in the last year, apart from surviving, to earn our well wishes?

I can think of at least one thing she's done that I, personally, would never do: childbirth. I just don't have it in me. And by it I mean ovaries.

That's right, she's officially graduated to gravida 2 para 2. And the new guy is pretty great. Met him when I was home over the holidays. He does this thing where you put him on a blanket and he sits there for hours without blinking, while keeping watch on the proceedings and making sure everyone is ok. If someone appears to be in trouble, he will lean slightly forward and look concerned until the threat has subsided.

I figure every new grandchild gifts me an extra year or two to globetrot and avoid any real scrutiny on my lack of contribution to the family tree (that they know of). So keep it up Monica! and Shawn!


Anonymous said...

well, that whole sitting there thing was then. Now, he gravitates toward danger--like stairs, and Jeremy. Still--we like him :)
Anyway--thanks for the birthday wishes.

Anonymous said...

Wow, venturing into medical lingo? There really are no uncharted waters now that you've copied your dictionary, are there? Your versatility is impressive, if sometimes unsettling.