31 August 2007

Back from Frankfurt, and more about the carnival

The carnival was awesome. At times (see picture below) a bit post-apocalyptic. There were a couple times when windows were broken and where the crowd seemed on the verge of turning into a mob, but mostly it was just delicious caribbean food, pleasant weather and music worth dancing to.

I guess a couple people got shot though. And/or stabbed. One time this guy apparently fired into a crowd of people, did one of those evasive somersault rolls like he was James Bond, then ran off. Classy. Overall I think there were a few hundred arrests and only 2 people fatally wounded. Not bad considering there were over a million people there.

My damage was more like £30 for corn-on-the-cob (2x), jerk chicken with peanut sauce, a smoothie, some adult beverages and a whistle.

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