23 August 2008

Completely underwhelmed


In a perfect world it would've been Bill Richardson, but putting two minorities on the ticket just isn't possible in this day, which is sad. It's been frustrating enough to see muted support for Obama from those who would benefit from his view of the world. That must be racialist. Which I hate.

Biden doesn't have any idiosyncrasies that rub me the wrong way apart from occassionally speaking just because he loves the sound of his own voice. When I see him I don't cringe like I do when I see Tim Kaine (not sure why -- it happens when I see him on TV and in person. I was on a plane with him once and cringed for the whole 2 hour flight). He's not unlikeable, like Hillary. I guess he's just ... old ... and from Delaware. Nice that he'll definitely pull Delaware!

Also, the timing seems poor. Would've got more bang on a Monday and after the Olympics.

Evan Bayh would've been cool. He's a Hoosier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like his smile either. It just seems evil.