25 September 2008

Failin with Palin '08

I love women. Love them.

And respect them and see them as my equals if not my superiors.

But Sarah Palin is not smart. She doesn't speak in complete sentences instead using more of a stream of consciousness approach to speaking about America and crisis mode and the next great depression and possibly having to go to war with Russia because Georgia and Ukraine should be in NATO and the Bush Doctrine/Bush's worldview Charlie? I can see Russia from my house! she sounds like what I would sound like if you fed me too much information about how to answer questions without really knowing anything about the issues because maybe I went to five colleges in six years and graduated from the University of Idaho but I didn't blink because I knew how great Senator McCain is and you don't blink when these kinds of things happen because he'll reform Washington and has a history of doing so even when everyone is against him and how people are looking to McCain -- he's a maverick! with 13 cars -- to see what he'll do with the economic package even though really it's not his deal and he should probably not halt his campaign even though they're still running ads and prepare for the debate that he's backing out of because he loves gimmicks and is not able to multitask and are.

I'm tired.

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