19 January 2009

This year's holiday will not be in the Carolinas

Last year I did a Who's Who of European travel for my London anniversary. If you didn't make the list in 2007, you weren't about to miss 2008! Except for all those people who did.

This year I'm switching to a fiscal calendar. And the winners are:

The 2008 HOF
Brad (I'll count Cairo)
Conor (I'll count Budapest)
Nate (x2)

On first glance this list looks shorter than last year. Like half. That makes me sad about 2008, which runs counter to my actual 2008 which was the best year EVVVVER.

Let 2009 be the year that -- against all odds of being [most likely] rich and white -- you take advantage of free accomodation in London. Or meet me somewhere else on the continent or the hemisphere. I will meet you in the middle. WE CAN DO THIS.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

It's like the DJI it's down 40% :)