27 April 2008

I'm ok!

So today is kind of a bonus post. I woke up in London so technically I should blog but now I'm in Paris so technically I don't have to. I love making the rules. In any case I'm here for work and won't write again til Wednesday so enjoy this treat and don't let it ruin your dinner.

Watching tele here in my hotel I saw two things that were worth recording:

1) I think one of my neighbo(u)rs and classmates as a child is now an anchor on CNN World Edition.

2) There is a captivating Japanese show where contestants hold their breath and swim as far and for as long as they can underwater. When they surface the picture zooms in. They look at the camera and say "I'm ok!" in English, while doing the A-OK hand signal. Mesmerizing stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's actually "telly". Maybe we could have a row on Bow Road, eh guv'nor?