24 April 2008

na na na na na na na nana na na and we're all from Barcelona...

Here are some things that happened to me.

1. A girl asked me in Catalan to sign some sort of survey or sponsor her in some way. Since I couldn't understand her I shook my head and continued on. She ran after me and pointed at my bottle of water. I gave it to her and walked away. She smiled and thanked me, but then after a few steps I heard the water bottle hit the ground and I turned around. She had thrown the bottle and was pointing at me and laughing.

2. When I woke up Sunday morning I had to pack up and switch to a smaller and cheaper room. I packed everything but was missing a sock. I looked all over for it and wrote it off to the previous night's adventures. Once I got into the new room I found the missing sock under the bed.

3. I forgot two things about Barcelona -- the can men (men who carry around cans of cerveza and sell it to you anytime, anywhere) and the massaje girls (women who walk the beaches offering back massages. these women are relentless and don't take no for an answer, or even 5 no's every hour for 4 hours as an answer).

4. I learned some cool slang. Like guiri for a tourist. And venga and valle/alle, which mean let's go and ok/alright (ex-Andalucian/Andalucian) respectively. And that in Mallorca if someone is a drunk rather than calling them borracho they call them gato, which means cat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People point and laugh at you all the time. The only reason you noticed this time is because you heard the bottle being thrown to the ground...