03 December 2007

These are a few of my least favo(u)rite things

Sweet Potatoes

I don't eat any of the above if I can avoid it. But especially not either of the first two. I think olives are disgusting -- all wet and meaty and brown/green. Sick.

Sweet Potatoes I'm not really sure. I've never really tried them because my brother and I mutually decided NOT to like them or ever eat them when we were younger. Except for a case when someone secretly fed them to me when I was temporarily blind, I've never knowingly had them. I only hope that my dear brother is also honoring our pointless truce.

Mushrooms I'm kind of okay with now, depending on the context.

In a pretty serious turn of events, I've gone from never eating mayo to eating it quite often. That all changed when I started eating burgers at Mel's Diner in Charlottesville. Mel really knows what some mayo can contribute to a burger, and I respected him enough to give it a chance. I've never looked back.


Anonymous said...

olives = don't agree
sweet potatoes = hate 'em*
mushrooms = love 'em

*the asterisk is so added because my hate for sweet potatoes knows no boundaries...potatoes, being Irish, are an essential part of my diet - they define my holiday 'fixins', if you will - they are the backbone of my people's sustenance - they are delicious when either mashed or roasted. BUT any influence of a sweet interloper is simply anathema to what we believe, NAY, what we KNOW!! Thus, sweet potatoes are rubbish...

Anonymous said...

Heresy! Olives are the food of the gods, and as such should always be spoken of with quiet respect.