17 January 2008


It's happened to all of us -- you're on the Tube heading to the west end for a meeting, you pick up a discarded newspaper, start reading the movie reviews and a little snippet catches your eye. And that snippet includes the phrases "great film", "beautifully shot", "the opening scene is arguably the single most remarkable shot of the year", "filmed in the North Mexican Mennonite community", "all actors are Mennonites" and "the language is Low German".

And then in the afternoon when you have some free time you remember to look it up and find the movie's website: www.silent-light.co.uk.

It's definitely legit -- won the Jury Prize at Cannes last year -- and there's tons of randomness on Mennonites including some anecdotes from the head of the London Mennonite Centre.

It's playing in London; I might have to go check it out given my recent movie-watching binge and love of all things Mennonite.

Be sure to read some of the reviews and watch the trailer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know you barb. Go away.