17 September 2007

The aftermath

There was good news this weekend:

1. Arsenal 3, Sp*rs 1
2. The weather.
3. That party that I went to in Dorset.
4. Colts won again.

And there was some bad news:

1. 0-38. Notre Dame 2007-08 is the worst team I've ever cheered for
2. The day after that party I went to in Dorset.

That doesn't sound too enlightened does it? For as deep a person as I'd like to think I am, I still live and die by sports, parties and the weather.

I need to pay closer attention to the ethnosphere. Maybe get back to that novel (screenplay) I've been writing, hmm?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice little story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for 3 years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protaganist? Yeah? Gotta obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Gotta story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? Yeah, talking about that 3 years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah?