18 May 2008

Good winter

Tonight I saw an in-store performance by the band Bon Iver. They're (he's) from the Midwest, and have (has) Midwestern sensibilities, so we got on well.

I don't talk too much music on here for fear of overlapping with Kyle's blogtivity, but this is worth a mention as their album "For Emma, Forever Ago" will definitely make my top 5 for 2008.

You'll like it too if you're into...

1. Copying my tastes and hobbies.
2. Being in the know about new bands that are about to break through.
3. Crying/sobbing/dealing poorly with heartbreak.
4. Singing falsetto harmonies.
5. All things nostalgic.

It really is compelling stuff. A unique sound; beautiful; mellow without being lame. Sometimes I miss the Midwest, or at least my idea of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. Love the band, as well, and sometimes I miss the Midwest, too. - Andrea