08 May 2007

So... next up

Istanbul? Moscow? Reykjavik? Copenhagen? Dubrovnik?

No. It's bloody Harrisonburg. For a wedding.

At least I don't have to wear a tie. I'm going to take Brad Miller rollerskating for his bachelor party.


Bee Rad said...

Rollerskating? Seriously, I will so go. Skatetown USA baby.

djressler said...

Like I tried to type once already but apparently just deleted: it is Funzone now...I went there last year. I will refrain from commenting on the 16 year old roller-rink lifeguard guys flirting with the 13 year old girls ostensibly there for a birthday party, and just say that it truly is a "Fun Zone." No doubt you and Brad will have a lovely time; there is also an "awesome" arcade area and a "party room" that will probably do nicely for any bachelor party needs. PS: Did I mention I am working as a party coordinator for Funzone now?