06 November 2007

The new workout plan

Going to any Eurogym is an experience. From the less-than-modest spandex patches of the hammam to the highly entertaining stretching routines brought to us via Eastern Europe, there is something for everyone.

Alternative workouts are the name of the game lately. When I first started going to Virgin Active, Boxing Fitness classes were all the rage. That was followed by Russian Kettleball workouts. Which was followed by this Boot Camp type class where this humongous guy screams at you. And most recently we have Power Plates. The newest trend consists of standing on a vibrating platform while exercising; it's marketed as taking 10 minutes for an entire workout. I tried it once but I had to scratch my nose continuously.

Kettleballs are pretty hilarious, but the Boot Camp thing has the highest unintentional quotient.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post; it'd be even better if you added cell phone pictures of the unintentional humor. Just don't get arrested.