30 November 2007

Mortality -- hot or not?

This week has been a sobering one. My friend's grandma died. My colleague's roommate's father died. My November 22 death anniversary came and went. Sean Taylor died. All chances of seeing the sun in London during November died.

Also the past two mornings when I got out of bed, I got really dizzy. I get head rushes from time to time when I'm laying down and jump up quickly. And I kind of enjoy them. But on these two occasions I stood up and teetered around and slammed into walls. I kind of enjoyed that too but I was also like: WHAT?!

Anyhoo, I think I just need to eat at more regular intervals, start hitting the gym again and keep the ole' blood sugar at a more consistent level. And maybe I should stop OD'ing on gnocchi and stroopwafels.

Also, based on the comments and inspiration from my readers, I changed my movie and now one of the main characters dies. I think it's just the gravitas that the story required. If you want to read it, let me know and I'll send you a copy. It's 104 pages.

So yeah thanks for your feedback. I got the required amount of responses so I dropped my strike after a single day. So for now I will continue writing the blog and my scab will have to keep finding temp work.

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