13 April 2007

It's true. I've made a mistake.

Today is a day to come clean. Mark Miller is the real Charlie Freund impersonator, not Steven Swartzendruber. Mark's comment on yesterday's post exposed my incorrect pressumption:

Hi Eric,

This is Mark, your sometimes-twin. I object that you thought said "Charlie Freund" comment came from Steve Swartzendruber, because...tada, it was me (speaking as an interpreter to Charlie, who lost the ability to type when he lost both hands in the Vietnam War, which explains his obvious malevolence toward [sic] your post and his searing desire to "get it right" when speaking of the intracacies [sic] and horror [sic] of war [sic. no full stop/period. but now I'm really just trying to get you back])

Steve -- I've given you too much credit. Quiet down and go have a seat at the back of the room.

Mark -- Well done. Consider that a point in the win column of our epic and sure to be lifelong alpha storyteller/general wittiness battle. Enjoy your relish.

The rest of you should all follow Mark's lead with the frequent and sometimes mischevious commenting. And don't forget to include questions in there for the soon-to-be incredibly popular column "Ask er/uk".

1 comment:

Mark and Hill said...

eric, thanks for the recognition, and as one half of the greatest alpha center-of-attention battle (i think this term adequately captures our shared love of witty commentary, storytelling, and general one-upsmanship), i will take that one point, knowing full well that it will be important in the long haul.

One question for the "Ask Eric" page: What is the UK/British equivalent for the phrase, "Holla"? I already have modified that phrase in my own vernacular to be "Holler" which positions me both as funny and in an exagerratedly obvious way, both "extremely white" and "not with it", but to add an English twist on this would be even better.