11 March 2007

The Life of Pi

I'd bet most of you have read The Life of Pi. When I did, I thought it was true. And it really challenged me. Which did I believe in more: the possibility of miracles or the probability of a sadder reality? When I discovered it was fiction, I was at first pissed. Then I realized it didn't matter if it happened or not, but it did matter what I decided to believe in.

Life of Pi ends in Mexico, where The Castaways (from a recent issue of the best magazine ever, The New Yorker) begins: www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/02/19/070219fa_fact_singer

Believe in miracles, trust in the goodness of people, and subscribe to The New Yorker. Amen. I'm in Edinburgh if anyone is interested. And it is raining, exactly like I imagined.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to the NY, but that's only one of three. I am so glad you're keeping a blog! - Andrea