07 June 2007

Cuckoo for cocoa puffs

I've done it. I've finally purchased a dish and a bowl. In combination with the silverware I acquired on my recent trip home (thanks Anne!), I now have everything I need to enjoy things like:

1) Cereal
2) things I heat up

Funny that I've gone so long without cereal. And milk for that matter. My record of eating out for every single meal (aside from granola bars or a smoothie for breakfast) ends at roughly 3 months. It was a good run.

For cereal, I'm likely to be a fan of Honey Shreddies. They just seem more appealing than regular Shreddies. I'll probably give Ricicles a shot as well. And I'll have to decide between Weetabix and Oatabix at some point. Might as well consider Oatiflakes as well (they claim to be Oatily Different but I'm not convinced). Then there are Malties, the dark horse.

Actually the only cereal I've tried here has been Crunchy Nut, which is ludicrously tasty. That's even their slogan: Ludicrously Tasty.

In addition to cereal, I also found bagels at the grocery store. I'm still searching for English Muffins. They have loads of regular muffins here but no English Muffins...


Unknown said...

I feel like a celebrity for making it onto the blog!

Unknown said...

it's not much of a stretch to say that you kind of are.

djressler said...

try looking for crumpets. crum'-pets. they are like english muffins only more tasteless and spineless. mmmm--everybody loves a carb that tastes like someone forgot to put the salt in when making. (or shall I say "whilst making?").
ps. nice seeing ya in VA.