02 June 2007

I love my friends

So I've received some unexpected and really sweet responses to yesterday's post. For the record, the post wasn't intended to be a cry for help. It was triggered by a quasi-nostalgic trip back to my home for the last 4 years and a conversation about... budgeting.

The latter concerned break-even analysis -- how spending 99 dollars when you make 100 puts you in fantastic position, but spending 101 puts you in an awful spot. I sort of projected that onto my last relationship, which I'm still trying to make sense of in a very low-effort way. Maybe I was trying to be all freakonomic, or maybe I was just trying to sound vulnerable and be provocative. I think pro/con lists are sort of ironic since the items are basically immeasurable. But I tried anyway. More likely breaking up just sucks regardless of how good the decision was and it leaves behind a residue that's tough to get rid of if you're a big softie like me.

I'm actually more optimistic than ever about the ladies. Seeing my best friend -- a unique character with some HUGE baggage (just kidding Brad) -- find a perfect counterpart should give us all hope. Plus I'm in Europe.

1 comment:

Bee Rad said...

Baggage? Don't you mean package?