22 June 2007

Uncle Ic

My favorite nephew's name is Jeremy. He calls me Uncle Ic. My other nephew's name is David.

Then again it's not really a fair contest -- Jeremy wears the Mexican wrestling outfits I buy for him. David can't really do anything because he's 1-day old.

So that was all just an elaborate way of saying that my sister had her second child yesterday. That we know of. And I'm now the proud uncle of two. That we know of.

My sister's getting pretty good at this whole childbirth thing. I'm still a little bitter that she never commented on or otherwise acknowledged my heartfelt happy 30th birthday post from a month ago. But whatever, keep populating the earth with descendants of Glenn. Plus it only strengthens the reference on the old resume/CV about me being avuncular.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Jeremy still has not worn the Mexican wrestling outfit, but he does enjoy talking to you on the phone or over internet. In regards to the 30th birthday posting, I think Shawn picked out the mini pool table (or at least helped).

Unknown said...

make him wear the wrestling outfit. you're his mom. teach him what's right.