31 December 2007

Here it is. Spectacularly yours, love er/uk

The er/uk Best of Times/Worst of Times 2007 Year End Spectacular

Best post nominations:
Silly Gringos
ND plays tonight which means I'll be a mess for a few months
Attainable greatness
Lifetime stats
Kidney stones and the people who love them

Worst post nominations:
I bought a toaster -- [Toaster? I hardly know her!]

Best month:
March -- [Which is to say that I peaked early and we all have nothing to look forward to. Ever again. April and June were my most prolific months.]

Worst month:
December -- [I've been cashing it in lately, waiting to see if my blogging contract negotiations go as planned.]

Most educational posts:
Rubik, you crazy Hungarian sculpter and architect you
P-T-O Y do Americans like to work so much?
Döner Kebab v Shawarma

Best comment by a fictional reader:
The New Yorker Caption Contest is a sham
[My apology] -- It's true. I've made a mistake.

Most controversial post:
Punching someone in the face is better than war

Best recovery from a substandard post:
Ibitha --> Fox Murdering

Most spectacular failed attempt at a recurring column:
Ask er/uk, first installment

Best title:
Acropolis Now

Best title that some of you had problems figuring out:
Tanner than Danny -- [Think: Full House, Uncle Jessie, et al.]

Other titles I'm proud of:
Geneve Lopez
Overly nostalgic

Titles to forget:
It's suboats to be fun
The wetter here is awful

Moments of greatness:
1. The creation of Rick O'Pedia
2. "...the conference I'm going to is going to be a total loukaniko fest..." -- [From Strike 1.]
3. The acronym er/uk. When sounded out as one word it's the same as my name! I hope by now you've all figured that out.

Moments of insanity:
Knut, the polar bear from Berlin

Blog of the year:
1. www.deadspin.com
270. http://cemusic.blogspot.com
70,949. http://er-uk.blogspot.com

Person of the year:
1. Vladimir Putin
2. You


Anonymous said...

by the way, shouldn't there be some kind of shout out to 'the Fiver'?

Unknown said...

does the formatting on this post look awful(er than normal) to some of you?
